Living on Planet Earth

Day 10: Ch. 13 Water Resources & Geology and Ch. 14 Nonrenewable Mineral Resources

Water is probably our most important natural resource. Our bodies are 60% water, so obviously obtaining clean usable water for ingestion alone usurps many other non-vital needs in terms of the necessity of a better control over this resource. But we are using the available freshwater unsustainably by waisting it, polluting it, and charging too little for this irreplaceable natural resource. One out of every six people doesn’t have sufficient access to clean water, and this situation will almost certainly get worse. This is why water is a global issue. Being one of the most important resources we have, it’s ironically one of the most poorly managed. Half of the human population don’t have water pumped into their homes. Only about 0.024% of the earth’s freshwater is readily accessible to us as ground water and lakes, rivers, and streams; but what’s even crazier is that that much water is enough to fulfill the health needs of everyone – the problem is that it gets distributed unevenly around the globe for complex geopolitical, economic, and environmental reasons.


The hydrologic cycle is a really cool earth force that continuously collects, purifies, recycles, and distributes water in the seas, air, and land and it’s powered by solar energy and gravity. Groundwater is stored in aquifers deep underground where gravelly rock that functions sort of like a sponge contains the water as it seems into porous ground. So when the ground isn’t porous enough, like in the modern landscape paved over by concrete and buildings galore, the water doesn’t seep but rather gathers in runoff that tends to become dirty. This makes natural recharge of aquifers take a longer amount of time, which can cause water shortages. Since groundwater and surface waters (lakes, rivers, streams) are connected, if we deplete groundwater reserves faster than they can replenish, those lakes, rivers, and streams start to dry up without support from underneath them. We also use a lot of what’s called reliable runoff, or the 1/3 of runoff water that isn’t lost in seasonal floods. But during the last century the human population tripled and global water withdrawals have increased sevenfold, leading us to use up on average 34% of the world’s reliable runoff. 70% of the water we use worldwide goes to irrigating crops and raise livestock (part of the reason why industrial agriculture is so taxing on the environment), 20% of it goes to industrial uses, and the remaining 10% goes to cities and residences. Of course, affluent lifestyles use up way more water, much of it unnecessarily so, as seen in our water footprint. This is the amount of water we use directly and indirectly by looking at our water consumption and stuff we consume that requires a lot of water to make. The average American uses about 260 liters or 69 gallons of water, enough to fill 1.7 bathtubs of water (each containing 151 liters or 40 gallons). We use this mostly on flushing toilets (27%), washing clothes (22%), taking showers (17%), and running faucets (16%) or in leaks (14%). To put this to scale, one tub (40 gallons) is the amount of “virtual water” required to produce and deliver a single cup of coffee; even crazier, a loaf of bread uses 4 tubs, a burger uses 16 tubs, a t-shirt uses 17 tubs, a pair of jeans uses 72 tubs, a car uses 2,600 tubs, and a house uses 16,600 tubs. Groundwater and surface water resources in the United States go mostly to removing heat from electric power plants, irrigation, and industry and raising livestock. In areas where drought is more prominent, like the southwest, irrigation accounts for about 85% of their water use. The United States Geological Survey found that 1/3 of freshwater withdrawn in the U.S. comes from groundwater resources and the other 2/3 comes from rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. It also projected that 36 states are likely to face water shortages by 2013. Many sections of the Colorado River don’t even flow at all.


The main factors that cause water scarcity in any particular area are a dry climate, drought, too many people using a water supply more quickly than it can be replenished, and wasteful use of water. It’s estimated that by 2050 some 60 countries, mostly in Asia with 3/4 of the world’s population, will experience considerable water stress. It’s the rapid urbanization, economic growth, and drought are expected to put strain on the populations in these areas, especially China and India. Currently, 30% of the earth’s land area experiences severe drought, and this could go up to 45% by 2059 as a result of climate change caused by a warmer atmosphere. The best way to increase freshwater supplies is to not waste current water, but other solutions include building dams and reservoirs to store runoff in rivers for release as needed, transporting surface water from one area to another, and desalination.

Most aquifers are renewable resources unless the groundwater they contain becomes contaminated or is removed faster  than it is replenished by rainfall, which is what’s occurring in many parts of the world. These aquifers provide the water for half of the earth’s people. To keep up with rising demand, the world’s three largest producers – China, India, and the United States – as well as Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Israel, and Pakistan are overpumping many of their aquifers. Overwithdrawal of water resources would appear to be another effect of globalization and the desire of other countries to attain a Western lifestyle. Currently, more than 400 million people are being fed by grain produced through unsustainably withdrawn groundwater (ancient deep aquifers are non-renewable sources of water because they take so long to recharge). Saudi Arabia is a good example of unsustainable water use: it withdraws from ancient deep aquifers, has limited water resources to begin with, it uses water to irrigate cropland in the desert (obviously an uphill battle), and to fill large pools and fountains. Unsurprisingly, Saudi Arabia announced that it would stop producing wheat by 2016 and import grain (also virtual water) to help feed its 30 million people. If the water can’t come from under your own feet, it has to come from somewhere else, which then goes to producing something you need.


In the United States, we’re withdrawing groundwater 4x faster than it’s replenished. The world’s largest aquifer, the Ogallala aquifer, lies under 8 states in the American southwest and is in danger of being dried up. This would not only cause drastic dangers to human health where the water supports people in these areas, but also ecological danger because the aquifer supports springs that nourish wildlife and biodiversity. Overpumping of aquifers limits future food production and increases the gap between the poor and the rich. As water resources dry up, farmers must drill and dig deeper, requiring more energy and capital to buy and run larger pumps. Overpumping and deletion also causes aquifers to collapse, which leads to sinkholes above on the ground. There have been a few large and newsworthy sinkholes in the news recently, and one cannot think that these might have been attributed to water depletion. This land subsidence also destroys the changes of groundwater recharge, and has been occurring in California, Louisiana, Arizona, Florida, Mexico City has sunk in some areas by 10 feet from rapid urbanization, and parts of Beijing, whose water table has fallen 61 meters since 1965. When overpumping occurs in coastal areas, saltwater gets sucked into the aquifer, making it undrinkable and unusable for irrigation. It has been found that some deep aquifers might contain enough water to support billions of people for centuries with better quality than that of lakes and rivers. But, there are four main concerns: they’re nonrenewable and cannot be replenished on a human scale, little is known about the geological end ecological impact of withdrawing water from them, some of them flow beneath more than one country and no treaties exist to regulate rights to them, and the costs of tapping into deep aquifers are unknown, but most likely very high.

Some see the building of more dams as the answer to water problems, but there are some very steep costs. Building dam-and-reservoir systems has greatly increased water supplies ins ome areas, but has also disrupted ecosystems and displaced many people. The main goals of the dam-and-reservoir system are to capture and store runoff, and release it as needed to control floods, generate electricity (hydroelectricity) cheaply, and supply water for irrigation and for towns and cities. They also provide recreational activities like swimming, boating, and fishing. If it’s done in an area with a large influx of water, it can provide a reduction of downstream flooding to cities or farms. There are more than 45,000 large dams in the world now, most of them in China (the popular Three Gorges Dam being was highly controversial during its planning stages). They have increased the amount of annual reliable runoff available for human use by 1/3, as they now hold 3-6x more water than all the water flowing in natural rivers. However, the construction of these dams has displaced 40-80 million people from their traditional homes, flooded land that was used to produce food, and impaired the important ecological services of these lands in the process. Dams create a great displacement of water either side. They swell up the water level behind them, which inundate whatever was there previously, and trickles the flow of the river on the other side, which ends up drying out the ecology and deprives downstream cropland and estuaries of nutrient-rich silt. This is what happened to Colorado River, which is reduced to almost nothing in many spots downstream as much of the water is withdrawn for the desert cities in the American southwest. Lots of sedentary water in one place means a lot of it evaporates. The reservoir behind the dam also typically fills up with sediments like mud and silt within 50 years and makes them useless for storing water or producing electricity. Since dams like this are governmentally funded, they’ve supplied many farmers and ranchers with water at low prices, so these subsidies have led to the inefficient use of irrigation water. Basically, what it comes down to is that we can’t mess with the balances of natural entities and systems without considerable disruption in that system; we can’t hold on to something and expect it to stay in our grasp.


Transferring water from one place to another has greatly increased water supplies in some areas but has also disrupted ecosystems. This is enabled through the use of government subsidies that allow water to be cheaply transferred to places where it’s economically needed. Unfortunately these places are likely to be deserts where we try to grow crops, which is unsustainable as it is. One example is California, where their Water Project looks to transport water from Northern California to Southern California. However, those in the north argue that this depletes their own water resources which are beneficial for cleaning out polluted areas and that must of the water is inefficiently lost in the transfer. They also argue that just 10% better efficiency in water usage in the south would reduce much of their need for freshwater from the north. But even worse is that projected climate change would reduce the amount of High Sierra snowpack ice melt, which is what supplies much of the water in question to begin with, starting a fiercer fight for control of the water. The destruction of the Aral Sea in Central Asia is another example of horrible water management. The two rivers that feed the saline water body were used to withdraw water to desert crops of cotton and rice, which require large amounts of water, and this has caused the Aral Sea to shrivel up to two remaining bits of lakes, causing 26 fish species to go extinct, 85% of the area’s wetlands to dry up, and the loss of work for 600,000 people who rely on the land. The Aral Sea once functioned as a thermal buffer, keeping temperatures cooler in the summer and milder in the winter, but now that it’s a giant salt desert that function is lost. This naturally occurs when the water evaporates and leaves the salt behind. To make matters worse, wind picks up and carries salt and dust to damage neighboring and far away areas, ruining crop land and killing wildlife, even increasing glacial melt in the Himalayas (a perfect example of unexpected connections and unintended consequences). This terribly unsustainable water use has costed the UN and the World Bank $600 million since 1999 to purify drinking water and upgrade irrigation and drainage systems in the area.

This brings on the question: with so much salty water at our disposal, and with freshwater being the precious resource it is, is it worth converting saltwater to freshwater? We can, but the cost is high and the resulting salty brine leftover much be disposed of without harming aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem. The two most widely used ways are desalination (heating water until it evaporates and condenses as freshwater) and reverse osmosis, or microfiltration (using high pressure to force saltwater through a membrane filled with pores small enough to remove the salt). There are about 14,450 desalination plants in the world and they only meet less than 0.3% of the world’s demand for freshwater. Not only is it expensive, but it requires high energy input and chemicals to sterilize the water that in turn kills marine organisms. Finally, you’re left with salty water as a by-product, which can’t be thrown away into the ocean or on land because of the shock the salt would cause the ecosystem.

The bottom line is that we must use water more sustainably. We can do this by cutting water waste, raising water prices, slowing population growth, and protecting aquifers, forests, and other ecosystems that store and release water. About half fo the water withdrawn in the Unites States from surface and groundwater is unnecessarily wasted, and 2/3 of the water used throughout the world is unnecessarily wasted through evaporation, leaks and other losses. But this means that it’s economically and technically feasible to reduce water waste (to 15%) by being more conscious about water usage. This 15% improvement could meet msot of the world’s water needs for the foreseeable future. The first major cause of water waste is that it is so cheap. This is because of government subsidies, and this low cost means that users have little to no incentive to invest in water-saving technology or conserve water supplies. This creates the false mindset that water can never run out, invoking another tragedy of the commons. But if we placed government subsidies on improving the efficiency of water use, we can plan for smarter water, more environmentally beneficial subsidies for more efficient water use. Also, current irrigation methods are very inefficient. Flood irrigation delivers far too much water, plus 40% of it is lost in evaporation, seepage, and runoff. This method is used in 97% of China’s irrigation systems, so one can only imagine the water loss there. Some smart solutions to irrigation water waste is to line canals bringing water to irrigation ditches, irrigate at night to reduce evaporation, monitor soil moisture and ass water on when necessary, grow several crops on each plot of land (polyculture), encourage organic farming, avoid growing water-thirsty crops in arid climates, irrigate with treated wasted water, and import water-intensive crops and meat so as to save otherwise unsustainably used water. These invokes the idea of “living where you live.” If the desired practice is naturally inefficient because of local factors, chances are you would probably benefit from doing something else. The most efficient irrigation method is drip or trickle irrigation, which delivers a stead supply of small amounts of water droplets directly to the roots or soil above the roots of crops, where 90-95% of the water reaches the plant. Unfortunately drip irrigation is only used on 1% of the world’s irrigated land, but with developments and innovations to the cost it should be picked up more and more. Low-tech options like rainwater harvesting is a good way to store fresh, free, rainwater, and can be implemented especially in areas with high rainfall. In southern Australia 40% of households use rainwater stored in tanks as their main source for drinking water. Industries need to be more conservative with their water management, and the promotion of closed-loop recylcing systems can achieve this. More than 95% of the water used to make steel can be recylced. Flushing toilets with water clean enough to drink is the single largest use of domestic water in the Unites States and accounts for a fourth of home water use. Since 1992, U.S. government standards have required that new toilets use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush (this is still twice as much as the daily supply of water per person in some poor arid countries). If you really think about it, we don’t need that much freshwater in our toilets. Personal plumbing fixes can alter how much water goes in, but as a standard we don’t always need to be “going” into a perfectly clean lake. We also need to look into ways to recycle most of our water use, even sewage treatment. We can apply nature’s chemical cycling and use the nutrient-rich sludge from waste-treatment plants and apply it as soil fertilizer, but we would need to ban the discharge of toxic chemicals into sewage treatment. One great, large-scale way we can save our water use is to intensely invest in renewable forms of energy, like solar and wind. A proposed plan to have 20% of our electricity sourced from wind energy would save the country 4 trillion gallons of water by 2030.


We can lessen the threat of flooding by protecting more wetlands and natural vegetation in watersheds, and by not building in areas subject to frequent flooding. Floods are good and have created the world’s most productive farmland by depositing nutrient-rich silt on floodplains, and also by recharging groundwater and refilling wetlands. It really only when we get in way tof naturally occurring systems hat we see a problem with floods. But the human removal of water-absorbing vegetation, especially on hillsides, has led to human-caused increases in flooding. Draining and building on wetlands decreases their natural ability to absorb flood waters, the effects of which were seen in Louisiana with Katrina.

Chapter Question: How can we implement a more personal way of seeing the effects of water conservation and better water management? Shouldn’t we encourage water meter installation, subsidies for composting, and tax breaks for less water use?

The earth has major geological processes and hazards that subject our civilization to change without notice. Dynamic processes move matter within the earth and on its surface, and can cause volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, erosion, and landslides. Geology is the science that studies these dynamic processes. Internal geologic processes are generated by heat from the earth’s interior and external geologic processes are driven directly or indirectly by energy from the sun, mostly in the form of flowing water or wind and influenced by gravity that tend to wear down on the surface of the earth and move matter from one place to another. This is kind of a fancy way to describe the processes of weathering. Physical weathering involves wind, water, and temperature changes, whereas chemical weathering involves rainwater or groundwater made acidic by reacting with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to slowly dissolve rocks, and biological weathering involves lichens that gradually wear down rock into smaller particles.

The inside of the earth is a constantly churning furnace that slowly destroys and rebirths the land we live on. This happens through volcanos and earthquakes, which are inextricably linked due to the motion of the tectonic plates that are in steady slow motion under us. Volcanic eruption release large amounts of lava rock, hot ash, liquid laval and gases, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulphur dioxide into the environment. Some say that naturally occurring activity like this is responsible for much of the climate change we are experiencing, however the amount of greenhouse gases that steadily emitted into the air by anthropogenic causes overshadow that of natural events like eruptions. However, they do cause immense destruction in the area surrounding them and, sometimes, even far from them. Historic geological records show that massive eruptions like that on Santorini hundreds of years ago were known to cause “little ice ages” with a similar greenhouse effect that we’re worried about now. Another natural cause of destruction is earthquakes. These, however, be pack a more versatile punch. When occurring just under stable ground the damage is usually limited to a radius around the epicenter and buildings and structures above ground. This can be bad enough, but when an big enough earthquake happens under the ocean, it can cause a tsunami that only grows in intensity as the waves travel faster and farther eventually breaking over coastland. Most of what we can do is pay attention to the location of where we choose to live and invest in technology like networks of ocean buoys that can alert us when changes in pressure occur in the ocean before the wave hits land.


There are three major types of rocks found in earth’s crust – sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic – that are constantly being recycled very slowly by the processes of erosion, melting, and metamorphism. Sedimentary rock is composed of sediments like dead plant and animal remains and other particles of rock and mineral that make their way down stream from where ever they were were deposited and are squeezed under years of intense weight and pressure to form into rock. One of the most famous examples of sedimentary rock is coal. Igneous rock forms below or on the earth’s surface when magma wells up from the earth’s upper mantle and then cools and hardens. This is like lava rocks or granite. Metamorphic rock forms when preexisting rock is subjected to high temperatures, high pressures, chemically altering fluids, or any combination of these that end up reshaping the rock’s internal crystalline structure, physical properties, and appearance. Marble is a well-known metamorphic rock. The rock cycle is the slowest of earth’s natural cycles, and is defined by the interaction of physical and chemical processes that change rocks from one type to another. The rock cycle is what deposits nutrients and minerals needed for life, so like all the other earth processes, we wouldn’t be here without it.

We can make some minerals in the earth’s crust into useful products, but extracting and using these resources can disturb the land, erode sols, and produce large amounts of solid waste, pollute the air, water, and soil. Such metallic minerals and ores include aluminum, iron, manganese, cobalt, chromium, copper, and gold. Nonmetallic minerals that are widely used are gravel, sand, limestone, and phosphate salts. New technologies are making the extraction of these resources less expensive than before, and therefore more readily accessible. But the mining, processing, use, and disposal of these minerals and resources can have some negative environmental impacts; and often times the harmful impacts can exceed the usefulness of the extraction. Surface mining removes all vegetation from a site to excavate the minerals, then removes the overburden, or soil and rock on top of the minerals. This method is used to extract 90% of nonfuel mineral and rock resources and 60% of the coal used in the United States. Strip mining extracts mineral deposits from horizontal beds in the earth’s surface. Open-pit mining involving digging very large holes with machines to remove metal ores. Mountaintop removal is a very dirty form of surface mining in which the tops of mountains are blown off to reach the minerals and coal inside. This has been popular in the Appalachian mountains and has caused environmental and economic degradation on a large scale that has unfortunately gone unnoticed by popular media. Over 500 mountains in America have had their tops removed, and nearby communities have to deal with polluted and/or dried up waterways, toxic runoff containing mercury and arsenic, and breathing coal dust every day. Methods like these ruin the terrain they leave behind and are often overly susceptible to erosion, chemical weathering, and renders vegetation growth to come back much slower than previously possible. Obviously surface mining destroys vital biodiversity when applied in tropical or temperate forests, or really anywhere it’s done. The pollution done to water is immense, with about 40% of the U.S.’s western watersheds polluted from mining. One horrible side-effect of mining is called acid mine drainage, where rainwater seeps through a mine or a spoils pile and carries sulfuric acid to nearby streams and groundwater. The sulfuric acid forms when anaerobic bacteria act on the iron sulfide minerals in piles of spoils. This and the huge quantities of water used to process the ore that end up containing more sulfuric acid, mercury, and arsenic end up in the runoff and into streams and groundwater, further killing wildlife and biodiversity. As if the toxic destruction isn’t enough and in addition to all the greenhouse gas emitting that’s involved in mining and transporting these minerals, mining companies that extract gold have been known to claim bankruptcy right after finishing a dig so they leave without cleaning up large amounts of cyanide-laden water holding ponds in their wake.


Like everything else, all nonrenewable mineral resources exist in finite amounts. As we get closer to depleting any mineral resource, the environmental impacts of extracting it general become more harmful. The inherent problem in the mining business is that these minerals are distributed unevenly in the earth’s crust, leading to a global socioeconomic game of musical chairs when rare and valuable resources like these are found. This means that once a country has depleted its resources, they must start importing from others, which is what happened to South Korea’s iron and copper. China is rapidly increasing its use of key metals like copper, aluminum, zinc, and lead and consumes twice as much steel as the U.S., Europe, and Japan combined. Since 1950, we’ve depleted our once-rich nonrenewable mineral deposits of iron, lead, and aluminum. The future supply of nonrenewable minerals depends on two factors: the actual or potential supply of the mineral and the rate at which we use it. Though we have never really run out of a mineral, a mineral supply becomes economically depleted when it costs more to find that it’s worth. When this happens we must either recycle of reuse our existing supplies, waste less, use less, find a substitute, or just do without it. Without conservation strategies, our mining, using, and discarding rates cause the production rate to flare up in large quantities but then last for a short time before becoming depleted. With recycling, reusing, and reducing consumption we can increase our reserves by needing to produce less and be able to use them for a longer period of time. It’s more efficient, which is more economic. But raising the price of a scarce mineral resource can lead to an increase in its supply, with harmful environmental side effects. This is because minerals are usually cheaper when their supply exceeds demand. When a supply is thought to be depleted, however, the price would normally rise and then end up encouraging exploration for new sources, stimulate development of better technology, and make it profitable to mine lower-grade ores. However, some countries subsidize the development of their domestic mineral resources to help promote economic growth, which keeps mineral prices artificially low and ends up having the negative effects of increased production and waste. Like most other subsidized materials, the true value of the resource is undermined and reduced in the public’s eye, because “we can always just get more.” But when only one in 1,000 mineral deposit sites identified by geologists are suitable for producing ore, mineral supplies can never really grow; they just dwindle.


A ridiculous example of how twisted big business has become in this country is the U.S. General Mining Law of 1872. It’s an old mining subsidy that allows anyone to buy public land under the claim of having found hard rock minerals and the promise to spend $500 to improve the land for mineral development and then pay the federal government $2.50-5 per acre. Then this land could be leased, built upon, used, or sold for current prices after only taking 1872 prices to acquire. In 1992 the mining law was modified to require mining companies to post bonds to cover 100% of the estimated cleanup costs in case they go bankrupt, but these bonds were not required in the past, so cleaning up these 500,000 abandoned hard rock mining sites will cost U.S. taxpayers $32-72 million. The EPA was ordered by federal court to come up with a new rule in 2009 guaranteeing that the mining companies be responsible for cleaning up their mess, but the companies complain that it takes around $100,000 or more to invest in and develop a site before making any profits and that government-subsidized land costs allow them to provide high-paying jobs, valuable resources to industry, and keep mineral-based products affordable (aka perpetuate the same cycles they’ve been doing behind the ignorant blanket over the public’s eyes. Critics say that mining companies need to stop whining because the money taxpayers give up as subsidies to mining companies offsets the lower prices they pay for these products.

One way to improve mining technology and reduce its environmental impact is to use microorganisms that can break down rock material and extract minerals in a process called in-place, or in-situ, mining. This type of biomining removed desired metals from ores through wells bored into the deposits, leaving the surrounding environment undisturbed. It reduces the air pollution associated with smelting and water pollution from releases of hazardous chemicals such as those resulting from the use of cyanide and mercury in gold mining. The only problem is that microbiological mining is slow, taking decades to obtain the same amount of material that traditional methods would obtain in months of years. But it’s economically feasible and scientists are looking for ways to modify the bacteria to speed up the process. Of course, however, the precautionary principle must be used with any sort of genetic/biological fixes to systematic problems involving pushing a natural cycle outside of its boundaries. In the end, you just can’t get around heavy application of the tried and true reduce, reuse, recycle mantra.


We can try to find substitutes for scarce resources, reduce resource waste, and recycle and reuse minerals. Substitutes are sought after for some materials and can be found in new fiber optic cables that replace copper in wire, but are somewhat impossible for others, like platinum in conductors. Recycling and reusing materials is always a great way to reduce excess pollution. Recycling aluminum cans and scrap aluminum produces 95% less air pollution, 97% less water pollution, and uses 95% less energy than mining and producing more aluminum. Including the harmful environmental cost of mining and processing minerals in the prices of itens would also reduce the acts of constant, mindless mining. Perhaps a more embraceable policy measure would be to increase subsidies for recycling, reuse, and finding substitutes to current scarce mined minerals. Remove subsidies to mining companies and put them on better, more helpful groups and endeavors will help everyone, not the few. In the end, it will be those with good intentions in mind who must benefit and those who only intend on remaining stuck in the same destructive rut we’ve been milling about in. The help must be given to the innovators, and the old stragglers who benefit off everyone’s cost that must dry out.

All in all, the best advice on how to deal with our finite resources of water and earth are to reduce our consumption, reuse whenever possible, and recycle our resources. These steps are relatively easy, cost effective, and the most immediate way we each individual can live more sustainable lives, thereby collectively compounding as a more sustainable society.

Chapter Question: What specific kinds of programs can be subsidized to reverse some of the political backing of dirty mining?

Sustaining Sea and Land

Day 8: Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity & Food, Soil, and Pest Management

Another example of how everything is connected, the health of our planet’s aquatic biodiversity is essential in the overall health of the planet as a whole because the aquatic and terrestrial systems are inextricably linked. The planet’s most least explored environment are the aquatic ecosystems, and aquatic species are threatened by habitat loss, invasive species, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation, all being made worse by the growth of the human population. Those who have studied aquatic ecological systems have seen three general patterns, those being that: 1) the greatest marine biodiversity occurs in coral reefs, estuaries, and ocean floors, 2) biodiversity is higher near the coasts because of the greater variety of producers and habitats, and 3) biodiversity is generally higher on the seafloor because of the greater variety of habitats and food sources. It’s estimated that we only know about 1% of what’s down on the ocean floor, and in fact we do know more about what’s in outer space than on the ocean floor.

How important are the systems that reside in the waters of the world? Extremely, and in some ways more so than terrestrial systems. It’s estimated that an area of coral reef roughly equal to the size of a city block provides economic and ecological services worth more than $1 million a year. We know that coral reefs are the spawning grounds for 90% of the known fish in the seas, which is high they are hugely important centers of biodiversity. In 2006, scientists reported that coastal habitats are disappearing at rates of 2 to 10 times higher than tropical rain forests. Advanced sea-level rise from projected climate change would destroy most coastal areas world wide, but they’re also threatened by shore development, pollution, and ocean acidification from increased emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network reported in 2008 that 1/5 of the world’s reefs have already been destroyed, and that freshwater aquatic zones are being threatened from dam building disruption and excessive water withdrawal from rivers for irrigation and urban water supplies. When we’re not encroaching too much on aquatic systems, invasive species are another problem. They’re blamed for 2/3 of the fish extinctions in the U.S. since 1900, and they have an economic effect of costing approximately $16 million per hour. An example of the destruction caused by invasive species is the giant perch in Lake Victoria. It eats all 200 native species of the lake, and it puts local fisherman out of business. This promotes poverty and further environmental destruction because people are cutting down trees from the forests for wood to smoke the fish. Ironically, now that the perch has eaten itself our of house and home, it is in danger itself, and government efforts are trying to save it. This is the classic scenario of tampering with an ecosystem with unknown projected results and then having to go the extra mile to clean up the mess that could have been prevented in the first place.

damaged coral reefs

damaged coral reefs

Population growth and pollution are large causes of decreased aquatic biodiversity. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said in 2010 that 80% of the world’s people are living on the coast, and that 80% of pollution in the oceans comes from land-based coastal activities. It’s a fact that the oceans are becoming noisier, and this disrupts the processes that whales and marine mammals use to communicate across long distances. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment concluded that increases in nitrogen and phosphorous flows from fertilizers result in eutrophication, which causes algal blooms and subsequent fish die-offs. More traditional pollution comes in the form of plastics being dumped off ships or littered on beaches that cause the death of a million birds and 100,000 mammals and sea turtles. These plastics contain tiny fragments when broken down physically, which then ends up going through the food chains. A study done on fulmors, a type of coastal flying bird, found that 95% contained pieces of plastic inside their bellies. Climate change-induced sea-levels have already risen around 10-20cm in the past 100 years, and it’s estimated to rise another 18-59cm or 1-1.6 meters between 2050 and 2100. This would mean that all of New Orleans would be completely submerged underwater.

Warm and acidic oceans from dissolved carbon dioxide threaten corals, and this is irreversible, lasting for thousands of years. Overfishing is another complicated cause to decreased aquatic biodiversity. Much like an “ecological footprint,” a “fishprint” is an area of ocean needed to sustain the fish consumption of an average person of a particular nation. We’re harvesting over hal as much as what can be replaced in time when we overfish popular large species like tuna, swordfish, and cod. Once they become scare, we turn to alternatives like sharks or smaller species like herring, squid, and sardines; which in effect becomes a process like “stealing the ocean’s food supply” because these make up the diet of the scare fish that have just been hunted to dwindled numbers that need to rebound. In addition to ruining the ecosystems from multiple approaches, invasive species further complicate this problem by sliding into these weakened ecologies once the natural predators decrease, mostly from human consumption. In total, we’re weakening aquatic ecosystems and making it easier for invasive species to further cause damage.

Industrial fishing is allowing us to have a larger impact on the world’s aquatic life than ever before. New technologies like satellite positioning equipment, sonar, huge nets, long lines, spotter planes, and giant refrigerator factory ships that process and freeze the catch right on the ship are making it harder for populations of the species we eat to replenish themselves. Trawler fishing totally devastates the ocean floor, and long line fishing causes collateral damage by hooking and killing other species of marine life. One of the most popular of the “magnificent megafauna” is the blue whale, of which in 2010 there were fewer than 5,000. They take 25 years to sexually mature and reproduce and then they only have one kid every 2-5 years. It’s giant, slowly living species like this that are more prone to extinction in the modern world run by humans. Estimates are that 37% of marine life and 71% of freshwater life could go extinct in the next 6-7 decades, and that we may soon be seeing “jellyfish burgers.” Personally, I’ll eat almost anything, but I say “almost” because of things like jellyfish burgers.


We can help sustain marine biodiversity by using laws and economic incentives to protect species, by setting aside marine reserves to protect ecosystems, and by using community-based integrated coastal management. Damage to the oceans is hard to monitor because we don’t live in it, and it requires a lot of equipment, training, and knowledge to study it. The damage isn’t visible to a lot of people, especially those who live in-land, so many people view the oceans as inexhaustible resources that can absorb infinite amounts of waste and still produce all the food we want. Most of the world’s oceans are outside of the legal jurisdiction of any country. In fact, the “Law of the Sea” states that coastal nations have combined jurisdiction over 36% of ocean surface and 90% of the world’s fish stocks. But the oceans are still seen as commons, with open access and subject to overexploitation, to many nations and people who rely on its seemingly endless bounty. Japan, Norway, and Iceland hope to overthrow the International Whaling Committee moratorium on whaling because they claim that much of their economy relies on it, but this is slightly not true. Up to 370 km offshore is exclusive economic zoning for foreign fishing vessels to fish with government permission, but beyond that is called the “high seas” where not much regulation is enforced.


The oceans have become 30% more acidic since the Industrial Revolution due to carbon dioxide sequestration, plus the added negative effect of warming due to climate change, which would impact shellfish and corals because their hard bodies would dissolve if the waters became acidic enough. Being that aquatic ecosystems are extremely integrated in that a change to one thing can affect a whole chain of other things, the ecosystem approach would be the better than the species approach for protecting its biodiversity. The ecosystem approach would protect and sustain whole marine ecosystems for current and future generations by establishing a global network of marine reserves, or areas declared off-limits to destructive human activities in order to enable them to flourish and recover. We already have established some small coastal reserves near sustainable commercial areas, but currently marine reserves only contain 1% of the oceans, and 0.1% are fully protected, meaning that 99.9% are not effectively protected from human activities. The regulatory approach has give us many conventions and laws that work to protect aquatic biodiversity; some of them are the 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the 1979 Global Treaty on Migratory Species, the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973, the U.S. Whale Conservation and Protection Act of 1976, and the 1995 International Conservation and Protection Act.

In the midst of aquaculture becoming the world’s fasted growing type of food production, sustaining marine fisheries will require improved monitoring of fish and shellfish populations, cooperative fisheries management among communities and nations, reduction of fishing subsidies from governments, and careful consumer choices in seafood markets. The optimum sustainable yield approach is great but unfortunately difficult to manage politically, so the precautionary principle should be used more until the ecology of these systems is better understood.Traditional community management systems have been replaced by c0-management systems, in which the government steps in to set quotas for various species and divides them among communities. Some islands in the Caribbean now only allow a few whales to be killed a year for food, but that limit used to not exist. An estimated 30-24 billion is spent each year in government subsidies to keep fishers’ businesses running, 10-14 billion of which is spent to encourage expansion and overfishing. An important component to sustaining aquatic biodiversity and economic services is bottom-up pressure from consumers demanding sustainably caught food. Individuals matter with their dollar votes, another example of fighting fire with fire.

To maintain the ecological and economic services of wetlands, we must maximize the preservation of remaining wetlands and the restoration of degraded wetlands. These systems contain vital biodiversity, and the U.S. have lost over half of its coastal and inland wetlands since 1900 due to expansion of cities and suburbs and roads, and for the accommodation of croplands or rice fields. 6% of the remaining wetlands in the country are federally protected, and they’re very difficult to restore or recreate. One example of what could be beneficial for everyone is the fact that it has become profitable for private investors to work with the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on what was known as the world’s largest ecological restoration project – the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). But, political problems with funding and continued interest is causing the project to be delayed by probably 50 years – a prime example of how we should not mess with ecosystems if we cannot fix them, and also of how it always takes more money to undo damage than to not start damage at all. The same goes for freshwater ecosystems, which are strongly affected by human activities on adjacent lands. Protecting these ecosystems must include protection of their watersheds. The proximity of humans to freshwater systems like rivers, streams, and lakes means that most of our negative effects on environments, like runoff and waste, ends up in these water systems before they reach the marine water systems, making them the most threatened ecosystems of all. Overall, sustaining the world’s aquatic biodiversity requires mapping it, protecting aquatic hotspots, creating large, fully protected marine reserves, protecting freshwater ecosystems, and carrying out ecological restoration of degraded coastal and inland wetlands. A conservation strategy that could reverse degradation of aquatic systems could cost $30 billion, which is equivalent to putting a tax of one penny on every cup of coffee consumed in the world each year. I’m all for this, and it’s especially fitting since protecting the world’s aquatic environments is ultimately one of the most globally connecting endeavors humans can accomplish.


Living in the post-globalized world, it seems as if nothing is too far or too hard to attain. But the way the cards fell allowed some countries to become better off than others, and it’s this uneven distribution of affluence and advancement that enables some countries to have problems of obesity and others to have problems with malnutrition, all in the midst of a seemingly global human community.

Many people in less-developed countries have health problems from not getting enough food, while we in the developed countries suffer health problems from eating too much food. We produce enough good to meet the basic nutritional needs of every person on earth, but one in six people in less-developed countries isn’t  getting enough to eat because of unequal access to food. The number one direct cause to this is poverty. The other obstacles to providing enough good for everyone are corruption, political upheaval  war, bad weather, and the harmful environmental effects of industrialized food production. A study done in 2007 by David Battista and Rosamond Naylor says that there is a more than 90% chance that by the end of this century half of the world’s population will face serious food shortages from climate change. Achieving food security on a regional and global level for poor and affluent people depends on greatly reducing the harmful environmental and health effects of industrialized agriculture and promoting sustainable agriculture. The United Nations FAO estimated that rising food prices and a sharp drop in international food aid increased the world’s number of hungry and malnourished people from 825 million in the mid 1990’s to 1 billion by 2009 – that’s equal to the population of China.

Throughout modern human history, the methods we have used to increase food supplies have been traditional low-input agriculture, and more recently the high-input industrial agriculture. Today, industrial agriculture produces about 80% of the world’s food, but it uses heavy equipment, lots of financial capital, water, commercial inorganic fertilizers and pesticides to produce single crops (monocultures) with a constant goal to steadily increase crop yields. Producing food has no doubt become inextricably part of the capitalist machine with tunnel vision to grow, grow, and grow some more, which contributes to the reason why poverty is the number cause of why people can’t eat. Agriculture is a bigger industry than the automotive, steel, and housing industries combined, with a few giant multinational corporations increasingly controlling the growing, production, and distribution and sale of food in the U.S. and globally. It’s also the single biggest contributor for pollution and fossil fuel emission, making it one of the dirtiest industries we’ve managed. Aside from 10 billion farmed cattle farting methane (a gas more potent at casing the greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide), growing the feed for these cattle takes away a lot of produce for human consumption. Every part of the infrastructure uses fossil fuels and leaves something behind. Huge amounts of fertilizers used to produce corn for cattle feed in the mid-west are washed into the Gulf of Mexico, depleting oxygen levels and causing a mass dying of 1/5 of the world’s seafood yield (called a dead zone). Aquaculture is no better, what with 37% of the catch dedicated to being turned into fish meal to feed farmed fish and cattle, and another 30% of the catch not being the desired fish (but actually being turtles, dolphins, and other wildlife) and instead being thrown away once they been killed in the nets. This demonstrates the interconnectedness of all of our actions and the environments we’ve come to manipulate.

A solution to crop failure and malnutrition might come in the form of hydroponic agriculture. Hydroponics is cool because it grows crops by exposing the roots to a flow of nutrient-rich water solution instead of using soil. This means that crops can be grown indoors under controlled conditions anywhere, yields can be increased because you can grow year round; it’s good for urban areas with limited land to grow and can be done on rooftops or underground; fertilizers and water are reduced through recycling so there’s no runoff of excess fertilizers into waterways; and since the crop growth is controlled in indoor greenhouse environments there is no need for pesticides and no soil erosion. But why hasn’t this been implemented as widely as it should be? For political and economic reasons of course: hydroponics could threaten the profits of large and politically powerful manufacturing companies; it takes a lot of money to establish hydroponic crop environments even with cheaper costs in the long-run; and growers fear it’s too complicated and technologically advanced when it’s really not. It’s actually similar to traditional agriculture, which is what 39% of the world still uses, providing 1/5 of the world’s food crops. Perhaps a return to traditional agriculture could come in the form of more wide-spread use of polycrops – the growing of a multitude of crops in the same area. It’s well known that polycrops are better than monocrops for sustaining biodiversity, as the different root systems of varying plants hold the soil better and provide continuous yield of varied crops year round. The use of the slash-and-burn technique allows for the replenishing of nutrients to the soil, but this takes years to do right, and time is not something we have a lot of like we did in ancient times when the method was more popular. Polycultures also don’t require pesticides because of the natural pest inhibitors in growing biologically diverse but symbiotic crops together. It’s actually been found that total crop yield is higher in polycultures than in monocultures. Just as how polycultures are a natural and effective way of increasing crop yields, the use of natural insect inhibitors should be introduced instead of ecologically harmful ones like DDT. Mint, clove, rosemary, and thyme all naturally ward off insects from their oils, and they smell good too. Plus the dangers of biological magnification are too great to trust synthetic insecticides and pesticides.

Genetic engineering is another popular science experiment for the purpose of creating greater crop yields. The most genetically modified crops are soybean, corn, canola, and cotton, and since 1950 U.S. industrial agriculture has efficiently more than doubled the yields of key crops like wheat, corn, and soybeans without using more land, saving forests, wetlands, and grasslands from being converted into crop land. Meat production is another environmental problem. Economic growth in China and India mean they want more meat more often. More meat means more crops to feed cattle, which not only means less for humans but also changes the economics of global subsistence farming. Countries are starting to import grain because they can’t produce enough to feed the human and cattle populations; and if China and India start on with this trend, they would be importing the same amount of grain for their cattle alone that we export in one year. The global grain displacement is occurring as China, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, India, Egypt and the UAE are buying and leasing cropland in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Ukraine, Russia, Vietnam, Turkey, and the Republic of Congo. This means that these countries are basically selling their future ability to feed their own people, creating a truly convoluted political web of hunger and confusion. With average world meat consumption likely to double by 2050 and the total human population to also greatly increase in size, the promises of genetic engineering may sound like a blessing, but the devil is in the details. Genetic modification deals with splicing the genes from totally separate species for traits that would never arise in other species, like a gene that prevents frost from an arctic species implanted into the genome of a crop, or a gene from an insect that would give resistance to certain types of other insects inserted into a crop, for the purpose of making that crop able to yield more for human harvesting. In my opinion, domestication of a genome should not be tampered with. If we didn’t create it, we don’t know exactly how it works, but we can figure what kind of consequences can occur when we disrupt a delicate process set forth by nature, especially something as tricky as genetics. It’s almost as tricky as the new technical political messes involved in patenting certain genes for genetic modification, as does Monsanto, which is pretty much one of the weirdest ethical questions we’ve had to face. For example, we know that genetically modifying salmon to grow faster would bring disaster if these franken-salmon were introduced into the wild because they’d develop faster than the natural salmon (which are the predators of its ecosystem) and thus eat off the prey faster than the natural salmon could get it. This would cause a dying out of the natural salmon, and eventually the demise of the franken-salmon, leaving a baren ecosystem in its wake. If genetic modification is to be played with, it must be used with extreme caution, but we don’t know the effects of GMO in ecosystems and in the human diet in the long-run, and the consequences could be imagined to be pretty grim. The European Union doesn’t allow any genetic modification, and more and more countries are agreeing with banning them. And for these corporations not to want their own foods to be labeled as being genetically modified, do we really have nothing to fear? With 80% of American household foods containing some form of genetically modified foods, it’s pretty concerning.


Future food production may be limited by soil erosion and degradation, desertification, water and air pollution, climate change from greenhouse gas emissions, and loss of biodiversity. Many analyst point out that industrialized agriculture has greater harmful environmental impacts than any other human activity. Farming, deforestation from clearing land for agriculture, overgrazing from harvested cattle, and off-road vehicle use all lead to soil erosion. This then leads to the two harmful effects of loss of soil fertility and water pollution. The UN Environment Programme and the World Resources Institute estimate that topsoil is eroding faster than it forms on about 38% of the world’s cropland. Climate change may be helping this, though, because onsets of prolonged severe drought threaten food supplies in some parts of the world as well.

So how can we improve food security? We can create programs to reduce poverty and chronic malnutrition, rely more on locally grown food, and cutting food waste. Governments can step in and control prices by putting a legally mandated upper limit on prices in order to keep good prices artificially low, making consumers happy but farmers more hard pressed to turn out crops. They can also provide subsidies by giving farmers price supports, tax breaks, and other financial support to keep them in business and to encourage them to increase food production. So how can we use this economic method to reduce current problems? The most common complaint is that organic food is too expensive, and for typical families reaching for the cheaply priced produce/food item is usually second nature. But if the government can subsidize the right kind of sourced produce – organic – the outcome would be a reversal of what we see. This would effectively incentivize people to buy now lower priced organic food, and promote an increase in the price of unsustainably sourced food. Fighting economic fire with fire. Reducing soil erosion by keeping more land more vegetated is another way to use our land sources more efficiently. Terracing, strip cropping, alley cropping, and contour planting are all techniques to reduce soil erosion by simply planting crops differently. It was soil erosion, after all, that caused one of our country’s greatest environmental tragedies – the Dustbowl. A major contributor to the Dustbowl was the utter decimation of the buffalo populations across the Great Plains in the late 1800’s. The problem was that buffalo urine and dung was a vital component to the health and growth of the grassland ecosystem, and with this factor gone, plus other anthropogenic causes like overuse during the Great War, the grasslands withered away to dust.


Governments can also make it mandatory to certify and label unsustainable or genetically modified foods. More sustainable aquacutlure can be practiced with the use of open-ocean aquacultures and polyaquacultures, which is raising fish along with shrimps, shellfish, seaweed, and algae in coastal lagoons or tanks. This creates a mini ecosystem in which wastes are recycled back into the system. Biomimicry should be striven for wherever it can be applied. Also, the way around the massively messy meat problem is to just eat less and eat it efficiently. The production of meat is highly inefficient because it takes about 38% of the world’s grain harvest and 37% of the world’s fish catch to produce this animal protein (7 kilograms of grain to produce one kilogram of beef protein). So, more sustainable meat consumption would involve shifting from less grain-efficient forms of animal protein, like beef, pork, and carnivorous fish like salmon, to more grain-efficient forms, like poultry and plant-eating fish. Chicken over beef, it’s also healthier. We also want to avoid buying meat from incredibly dirty industrialized forms of production. Agricultural science writer Michael Pollan says that if all Americans picked one day a week to have no meat, the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions would be equivalent to taking 30 to 40 million cars of the road for a year, which is amazing. After taking the Environmental Ethics course, I tried very hard to become a vegetarian. I had been successful for about three months, but meat is just too tasty, and after learning more about ecology I reconvinced myself that it was ok ethically to eat meat, so long as I eat it once or twice a week. Another way I got around my rule was to finish what any of my friends or family left behind (I am no picky eater and my brother is the pickiest of them all), because Americans waste 35-45% of their food, or $43 billion a year, which is just too sad to see happening before your eyes. If the ideal diet is a meatless one, I think this is a pretty fair compromise, and if everyone decreased their meat consumption this much the impact could be enormous.


Modern industrial agriculture violates all three principles of sustainability: it relies heavily on the use of fossil fuels, reduces biodiversity in areas in most areas where remnants of the process have entered near and far, and it reduces the cycling of plant nutrients back to topsoil. Organic farming is a must, but only 2% of the food we eat is produced organically. The results of a 22 year study show that organic farming improves soil fertility, reduces soil erosion, retains more water in soil during drought years, uses about 30% less energy per unity of yield, lowers carbon dioxide emissions, reduces water pollution by recycling livestock wastes, eliminates pollution from pesticides, increases biodiversity above and below ground, and benefits wildlife such as birds and bats. Organic farming does require more human labor than industrial farming, but this just increases job prospects and can help shut up naysayers from the far right. MOST major changes to a system will require the development and growth of new jobs, obviously. Organic crops also turn out more economic return per acre because of the savings from not having to use pesticides and herbicides. Also, making use of renewable energy such as solar, wind, and natural gas produced by biogas digestion can greatly increase the sustainability of the entire system. Some say that this could even increase food supply by 50%, and the only opponents to change are the ones financially benefiting from manipulating the system by trashing the planet and supplying us with dirty food. Buying local is also a must. It supports small businesses within the local economy, strengthens community, and can help decrease the conversion of farmland to suburban development. Michael Pollan says that locally grown food only accounts for 1% of food consumed in the United States, which just means that the door is wide open to more supporters of this business.


If you ask me, the answer to the industrial agriculture problem is obvious, urgently needed, but very difficult to implement in reality due to its being such an integrated part of our lifestyle. Again, the only people who will be totally negatively affected by a shift from dirty to organic are those who profit from its promotion; but that’s just too bad. We were told countless times in high school that the jobs we’d be seeing and fulfilling haven’t even been invented yet. It’s about time for that to come true. Current companies and corporations should look for ways to make money off of bettering the system, or suffer harsh financial consequences. Organic and local food economies should be the ones to be boosted by the government, promoting their maintenance and continuance.

Questions: What can coastal communities do to promote their own economic and ecological health while boosting their cultural identity and fostering sustainable living practices? What kind of political force should be implemented in the complete make-over of industrial agricultural systems?

Species and Ecosystem Approaches, a Team Effort

Day 7: Sustaining Biodiversity through the Species Approach, and Terrestrial Biodiversity and the Ecosystem Aproach

One of the three principles of sustainability stresses the importance of flourishing biodiversity. Without a diverse gene pool in the biosphere, the earth would probably be a lot more bleak. Of course extinction is a natural process that is part of the circle of ever evolving life, but right now the rate at which species are going extinct is 100 to 1,000 times faster than they were before modern humans arrived on the scene. Scientists think that by the end of this century the extinction rate is expected to be 10,000 times higher than the background rate. Extinction is supposed to be slow and we’re accelerating it by expanding and disturbing over 80% of the earth’s surface, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, at up to 1% per year. That’s 10,000 out of every million species each year. Through studying the geological time record, the earth has already experienced mass extinctions, which are when 50-90% of all the life on the planet die out. Other than simply reasoning that it can’t be good for a planet that is just lucky enough to be so close to the sun so as to support life to enter a state of dying, there are plenty of reasons why this increase in extinction is a horrible thing. The disappearance of keystone species can weaken or break some of the connections in the ecosystem they serve, and thus threaten ecosystem services and cause secondary extinctions. This is obviously bad for us because he entire modern human world is built on the support and health of the ecosystems that sustain us. We don’t even know all of what’s out there, but out of the species that we have documented, it is perceived that 70% of plants, 34% of fishes, 30% of amphibians, 28% of reptiles, 21% of mammals, and 12% of birds are endangered of becoming extinct. It is thought that extinction will increase in the next 50-100 years because of projected growth and expansion of the human population, climate change, endangerment to special biodiversity hotspots, and the anthropocentrically caused elimination, degradations, fragmentation, and simplification of biologically diverse environments.


You can break down the rationale of why we should avoid speeding up the extinction of wild species into two broad categories. The first one is practical – biodiversity is one of the foundations the ecological and economic services vital to the life support systems that make up the health of the entire planet, human civilizations included. An example of this is through examining the role fo keystone species, like the honeybee. Without it, we probably wouldn’t exist, because it is the one who pollinates the extent of planet species that give rise to every other thing connected to those plants. You can draw the line from the plant sustained by the pollinating honeybee, directly to us. Remove the bee, and the plants don’t grow. As a matter of fact, 1/3 of the global human food supply is supported on insect-pollinated plants; but this system is becoming damaged due to colony collapse disorder. This is a problem in which worker bees just fly away and never come back to their hive, and it’s thought that the cause could be due to fertilizer or pesticides messing up their health, climate change driving them out of habitats, or even radio towers that interfere with their communication. Biodiversity is also important for the chemical cycling and energy flow that is facilitated by having a plethora of different types of species to play their role in the larger picture of the ecosystems. The human world has found a way to make something of most of what we can get our hands on, so we’ve been able to use most species to contribute to our economic services. We use many plant species for paper, fuel, and food or medicine. 62% of all cancer drugs are derived from discoveries made by bioprospectors, and only 0.5% of the known species have been examined for this use. The other reason is something more personal to people, more rooted in ethical thought, and it’s the belief that wild species have a right to exist regardless of their usefulness to human beings. Analysis says that it will take 5-10 million years for natural speciation to rebuild the biodiversity likely to be lost during this century; that’s 25-50 times longer than the human species has been around. With this knowledge, people are believing that we have an ethical responsibility to protect species from becoming extinct. But this raises the important questions: which ones do we save? It’s become popular to support the revival of what are called “magnificent megafauna,” like the blue whale, Asian elephants, Bengal tigers, and the polar bears. Of course the efforts to save these species are great and should continue, but this attraction to other mammals, typically apex species with no predators except us, that we can relate too emotionally should not stunt the effort to also protect what are probably more ecologically important species, like the plants and sometimes “nastier” species upon which everything else relies. Who would you rather quit their job, a top boss or all the sanitation workers?

probably the best billboard ad ever

probably the best billboard ad ever

The greatest threat to any species is habitat loss or degradation. Some of the worst examples of this is the destruction and degradation of coral reefs and coastal wetlands, the plowing of grasslands, and the polluting of streams. These common human activities can cause damage that can take many years to reverse, and at costly efforts. Habitat fragmentation occurs when a large, intact area of habitat is divided, typically by roads, logging, crop fielding, or urban development, into smaller isolated patches or “habitat islands,” which trap species to a lifestyle they usually can’t survive for long periods of time. Harmful invasive species are another threat to species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says that 40% of endangered species in the U.S. and 95% of endangered species in Hawaii are due to the threats of invasive species. These are species that don’t initially “belong” in the ecosystem they come into (usually because of accidental human placement) and the resulting advantages they have plus the disadvantages the native species have to deal with it cause it to rapidly dominate the ecosystem. An example is the kudzu plant, which is a vine that grows two inches an hour and has spread all over the southeast U.S., and the zebra oysters brought in on ships from Asia that deplete water systems of oxygen and clog up pipes and sewage drains. In the case of kudzu, scientists are looking for a way to turn the plant into another source of paper production, resulting in the salvation of native species and protection of trees. Pollution is one of the most widely known threats to species. Fertilizers kill 1/5 of our honeybees, over 67 million birds, and 6-14 million fish, and threatens 1/5 of the country’s endangered species. DDT is a horrible fat-soluble pesticide that was banned, and it bioaccumulates in organisms at a rate of 10x as it moves through each trophic level. So, for 0.000003ppm in water, it accumulates when it’s ingested by plankton, then small fish, then larger fish, and then ends up in birds that eat those fish with 25ppm in their bodies, and having the effect of making their eggshells too soft to hatch. It’s a fact that there is DDT in us because of what we eat, and what we eat had eaten. This chain of relationships demonstrates the golden lesson of ecology: everything is connected. Cimate change and overexploitation are also very damaging to species.

We can reduce the rising rate of species extinction and help to protect overall biodiversity by establishing and reinforcing national environmental laws and international treaties, creating a variety of protected wildlife sanctuaries, and taking precautionary measures to prevent harm to ecosystems and species. One of the most extensive pieces of legislation is the 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, followed by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, which was also one of the most controversial because many endangered species (of the plant variety) co-inhabit the same areas that people have been expanding into. And when people want to make money it is often as the cost of these species. Wild refuges are are areas of land crossed off for the habitation of particular species, but funding is scarce and they are often poorly maintained. However, botanical gardens, gene banks that hold seeds, wildlife farms, zoos, and aquariums can help preserve species with egg pulling and captive breeding. Unfortunately, research indicates that 10,000 individuals of a species are needed for maintaining capacity for biological evolution, which can be hard to set up artificially. Many of these zoos and aquarium and wildlife facilities help the most in educating the public about the wonders and dangers of these wild species. Thus, it is urged for the precautionary principle to be used to argue for the preservation and protection of entire ecosystems, because it’s too costly and difficult to get a species back on its feet once it might be too late.

The ecosystem approach is different from the species approach to maintaining biodiversity in that it is more comprehensive and less specific in its methods to preserve wildlife. The species approach relies on a more concentrated effort to help one species, when the ecosystem approach takes larger steps to preserve the entire ecosystem so that the species within can flourish. Preserving terrestrial biodiversity takes a large amount of the ecosystem approach, and immensely important because forest ecosystems provide ecological services that are greater in their cumulative value than the value of the raw materials extracted from inside the forests. The unsustainable cutting and burning of forests, along with diseases and insects, all made worse by projected climate change, are the chief threats to forest ecosystems. And when natural and planned forests occupy more than 30% of the earth’s land surface, we can do with a little more tree-hugging.


An old growth or primary forest is an uncut or regenerated forest that hasn’t been seriously disturbed by human activities or natural disasters for several hundred years. Second growth forests are a stand of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession, and they develop after original growth has been removed by human activities or natural forces. Tree plantations, tree farms, and commercial forests are anthropogenically managed forests containing only one or two species of trees of the same age, and they’re harvested when the trees become commercial valuable. This is done in an effort to protect the world’s remaining old growth and secondary growth forests; however, a “forest” with one or two species of tree is hardly biologically diverse and natural speciation cannot form to the full extent that it could otherwise in a naturally lush forest. Also, this harvesting cycle depletes the top soil of nutrients, which is irreversible and can lead to ecological tipping points, not to mention the use of genetically modified organisms to facilitate the anthropocentric goal of harvesting trees quickly for profit – the “real” underlying reason for creating these fake forests. Still, in most cases fake forests are better than no forests so if this practice is done it should only be done in already degraded areas, but this is a prime example of the precautionary principle – don’t break a system because fixing it is nearly impossible and really expensive.

Forests sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in inorganic compounds (biomass), so they help to stabilize average temperatures and slow down climate change. They provide oxygen , hold on to soil, recharge aquifers, and provide flood control. The service they do to the larger ecosystem is extraordinary, but the chemicals in tropical plants also serve as blueprints for modern medicine (55 out of 100 of the most prescribed medications) ; surely the preservation of biodiversity for the reason of sustaining ourselves and our modern, extended, lives is as concrete a reason as ever. The tropical forests also serve as habitat for about 2/3 of all terrestrial species on the planet, as well as being the dwelling of 300 million people. A quarter of the human population depends on tropical forests to make a living. But to put things in a monetary perspective, since that seems to be the major concern of people with power to do something about the preservation of the forests, the price of ecosystem services is enormous. Naturally these worths have been estimated as such: nutrient cycling valued at over $350 billion, raw materials and climate regulation valued at $150 billion, and erosion control valued at $100 billion. These are just estimates and they probably fluxuate based on the ethereal workings of the global economy, but the true value of these natural systems and ecosystem services is really priceless. What price could you put on a healthy existence on planet earth?

Deforestation is the temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forests for agriculture, settlements, or other anthropogenic uses. The World Resources Institute surveyed that over the past 8,000 years human activities have reduced the earth’s original forest cover by about 46%, most having occurred in the last 60 years, and continues at a rate of 0.3-0.8% each year. Thisdeforestation  leads to decreased soil fertility from erosion, runoff of eroded soil into aquatic systems, premature extinction of species with specialized niches (many planets, birds, and insects), loww or habitat for native and migratory species, regional climate change from extensive clearing, release of carbon dioxide, and acceleration of flooding. Forests cover 30% of the United States aloneand provide habitat for 80% of our wildlife species. From the first settlement in the 1620’s, primary growth in the eastern U.S. was completely decimated. Tropical forests cover only 6% of earth’s land area, but it used to cover double that before 1950. It’s rapidly declining in parts of Africa, southeast Asia, and South America. Indonesia lost 72% of its original intact forest, 3/4 of which due to illegal logging, and it is predicted that by 2022 about 98% of its remaining forests will be gone. One of the scariest estimates is that the average global forest clearing is occurring at a rate of 16-54 football fields worth of forest a minute. This vast clearing of forested areas makes it extremely vulnerable to be an organism with a specialized niche, especially when half of the world’s terrestrial species live in them. It may take 15-20 years for regrowth of abandoned and used up land to start its regrowth, but it would take many more years before any sign of fauna returns. The economic/political machine that drives this deforestation is made up of complex cause and effect chains of power. For example, the Amazon rainforest is being burned to clear the land to allow cattle to graze. This cattle would become manufactured meat for the global economy (aka McDonald’s), while also allowing land to harvest soybean production for the grazing of said cattle and for markets. The problem is political and the scale is enormous. Plus, burning forests have a runaway positive feedback effect whereby once land is burned its ability to retain moisture decreases and the foliage remains dry, allowing for easier burning by natural causes like lightning strikes, soon becoming arid desert. Desertification is almost purely anthropogenic in origin, and it must be stopped before we breach the ecological tipping point any further.

We can sustain forests by emphasizing the economic value of their services (such as mentioned above), removing government subsidies that hasten their destruction, protecting old growth forests, harvesting trees no faster than they’re able to replenish themselves  and by planting more trees. Replacing old development strategies with new ones that make it more profitable for less developed countries to manage and preserve their forests than to clear them for production. The World Watch institute says that up to 60% of the wood consumed in the U.S. is wasted unnecessarily, and the need for wood products like furniture and paper will only increase with a growing human population. But it’s estimated that in 2-3 decades we could phase out the need for wood to make paper, such as with the kenaf plant. Kenaf grows fast, makes more paper per acre, uses less herbicides, and requires 20% less energy for production making it a great alternative to trees for making paper. By making it economically advantageous to be more sustainable, you can fight fire with fire. Another economic incentive could be corporations and countries paying tropical countries to protect their old growth carbon dioxide absorbing forests, sort of like making a global investment in the planet’s resources. We can also sustain the productivity of grasslands by controlling the numbers and distribution of grazing livestock, and by restoring degraded grasslands. Grasslands provide soil formation, erosion control, chemical cycling, storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide in biomass, and maintenance of biodiversity. Overgrazing from harvested cattle has caused a loss of 1/5 of the earth’s rangeland, so rational grazing has been set up to reduce the degradation that large scale grazing can set in motion. It’s quite the global effort from political, economic, and social spheres to stop and change the systems that have been destroying the land.


We also need to keep pure what we have left, so sustaining biodiversity will require more effective protection of existing parks and nature preserves, as well as the protection of much more of the earth’s remaining undisturbed land area. Our country’s natural parks system started in 1912 (Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to set aside land to be protected) and attendance rate has more than tripled from 1968 to 2008. Natural parks also run the risk of becoming threatened islands of biodiversity surrounded by a sea of commercial development,” as most ecologists and conservation biologists believe the best way to preserve biodiversity is to create worldwide networks of protected areas – kind of like global corridors, which would be awesome but very difficult to integrate onto the landscape of this Anthropocene. Only 5% of the earth’s land is strictly protected with enforcement, leaving 95% of it to be left for human use. Strong political and economic forces would oppose an increase of protected zones to 20%, even though it would be for the best of everyone and every thing’s interests. The area of reconciliation ecology will involve the growing practice of community-based conservation in which conservation biologists work with every day people to help them protect biodiversity in their local communities. I like this approach very much and also think it would have the natural effect of spreading awareness for the need to act differently in all facets of life. Conservation biologists call for using the buffer zone concept to design and manage nature reserves, which means strictly protecting an inner core of a reserve, having the desired effect of making humans and human activities more of a partner rather than an enemy in the grand scale of land use. Establishing protected corridors between reserves allows for mobility and adaptability for when species may be forced out of an area for “natural” or human causes (storms or development). An example of such a cooperative success is Costa Rica, who once had one of the worst rates of deforestation until they cleaned up their act. Now they have one of the lowest rates of deforestation and boast a more than 50% recovery in forest cover.


Terrestrial biodiversity can be sustained by identifying and protecting severely threatened areas (aka biodiversity hotspots), restoring damaged ecosystems by using restoration ecology, and sharing with other species much of the land we dominate using reconciliation ecology. The more comprehensive way to achieve this is to use the “ecosystems approach,” which includes a four-point plan: 1) Map the world’s terrestrial ecosystems ad create an inventory of the species contained in each of them and the natural services they provide; 2) Locate and protect the most endangered ecosystems and species with an emphasis on protecting plant biodiversity and ecosystem services; 3) Seek to restore as many degraded ecosystems as possible; and 4) Make development biodiversity-friendly by providing significant financial incentives, like tax-breaks and write-offs, and technical help to private landowners who agree to help protect endangered ecosystems. 17 “mega diversity” countries contain 2/3 of all the known species, the top five being Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and Ecuador. Countries like these that are up-and-coming in the developed world are looking to have what we in the first world have. But through using financial incentives like the ones listed above to reverse their development to not take the unfortunate road we did, and take the road that capitalizes on the protection of their biodiversity like with ecotourism. Also, by studying how ecosystems recover, restoration ecologists are learning how to speed up repair operations, including restoring degraded habitat or ecosystems to a condition as similar as possible to its natural state, rehabilitating a degraded ecosystem into a functional or useful one without trying to restore it to its original condition if this can’t be done, replacing a degraded ecosystem with another type of ecosystem, or by creating artificial ecosystems that would have the same far-reaching benefits as a “natural” one would.

Two discussion questions: how can we integrate large-scale, effective ecological restoration into government management like Costa Rica did? And would increasing biodiversity, ecological necessities in our country lead to decreased space/ability for housing development; and why is this the better decision? (it’s not a widely favored topic to vocalize, but keeping the population down is actually a good thing).

Somewhere along the human take over of the world, we became blinded to the direct relationship that our “improvements” had on the natural beauty and functioning of the rest of the planet. Seeing and understanding this at the this point in time, it’s going to take a lot of work to make things right. The scale of our actions, past and future, means that it’s going to take a global team effort. Say we were not able to restore balance, focus on what’s in our best interest as a species in continuing to be blinded by our own immediate empty needs, wouldn’t it be the most dramatic display of ecological karma this planet will see that we go extinct ourselves?